Easter Vigil Homily 2012
Easter Vigil 2012
Of the many possible ways to describe the Catholic faith, one that is very appropriate for tonight is “road trip.” In his earthly ministry he was on the road from Galilee to Judea and back again. The disciples followed him along the way. Some got off the road because they thought that the journey is too difficult. Others joined because they believed the truth of Jesus’ message. During the season of Lent, Jesus walked the road to Jerusalem where his mission would find its completion. Just yesterday, Jesus walked the via dolorosa in Jerusalem, the road to Calvary. It is there that the road trip has appeared to end.
Tonight, St. Mark tells us that when the women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ lifeless body, they found a man in dazzling robes who said that Jesus has been raised from the dead, and the women were to tell the disciples to get back on the road to Galilee where Jesus will be there to meet them.
We speak of the Church as the Pilgrim People of God, the Mystical Body of the Risen Christ. We have heard in Scripture that this journey began at creation, and although the human race had lost its way, God the Father sent his Only-begotten Son to get us back on the right track so that we can reach our heavenly destination. We are commanded to love each other and help each other on the way. At this Easter Vigil, we recall what truly binds us together: a common belief, a common faith, a common journey. We have all died with Christ in baptism to be raised with him in glory. All of these have the center and focus in Jesus Christ who has been raised from the dead. There are some people here tonight who wish to take this journey of faith to the Lord with us. Some wish the Sacraments of Initiation. Others, who are already baptized, want to be received into communion with us because they have come to discover that our path to Christ is the surest way to meet him. One thing is clear: Jesus has shown us time and time again that this journey is not going to be an easy one. It is going to require sacrifice, commitment and daily prayer. Our faith is not for the weak at heart, but rather those whose strength is drawn from Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
On this night, the Church makes known to us the priceless gifts Christ has entrusted to all of us so that as we go along the way, we may be strong and have courage to never leave him. He gives us the Easter fire, reminding us of the pillar of fire that led Israel from slavery to freedom. This fire of the resurrection lights our Easter candles so that we can clearly see the way that Christ has laid out for us. He gives us the waters of Baptism, that wash away sin and quench our thirst as we walk the dry roads of this world. He gives us the anointing of the Holy Spirit that limbers us up and gives us the seven-fold gifts of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, piety, courage and the fear of the Lord so that we can live a morally upright life in a morally upside-down world. Most importantly, he gives us the food for the journey, his Body and Blood under the humble appearances of bread and wine so that we will always have the food we need to nourish the faith in our souls, the hope in our deeds and the love in our hearts.
Tonight, Christ through the Holy Spirit fully equips you so that you will have all that you need in order to walk the road of faith with confidence and trust. He reminds the rest of us that we have not been left to fend for ourselves. We are grateful to God for giving you the gift of faith, and grateful to you for having the courage and wisdom to accept it. Let us now do what we have been told do in the Gospel. Let us continue or for some of us begin on our way along the road of faith, and as we live in the world in our families, may our confidence in the Risen Lord never fail, and may our support of each other help us to safely arrive at our heavenly home.