John 1:14

Transition days

Filed under: Blog — admin at 10:52 pm on Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We begin another season of Lent today. It is an annual examination we take to see how far we have progressed in our relationship with God and how far we still have to go. I have wondered why we start Lent in the middle of the week rather than on a Sunday. I believe the reason is that it allows us to transition into a penitential life slowly and gradually.We human beings do not like quick changes and we are more likely to stick with things if we kind of ease into it rather than abruptly begin them.

Lent is more like a walk than a run, or a marathon rather than a sprint. We did not get where we are over night and I think it would be foolish to think we can change overnight.In these transition days, I would encourage people to look at their Lenten penances both in terms of what they give up and what they take on. If we have drastic goals, the odds are that we are not going to make the distance, much less the weekend or even tomorrow.These days can allow us to test things out so that by Sunday as we hear the story of the Temptations of Jesus, we can be better equipped to deal with the changes we are trying to implement in order to be more fully alive to the action and grace of God.

I am finishing up taping my 4 CD Lenten talks entitled “Christ or Chaos: How life in Christ helps us overcome the Chaos in our lives.”Most of us are living chaotic lives and we may think it is normal- something that is just part of being in the post-modern world. I think that this is a lie. A chaotic life is simply a life in which God is in the back seat, (or maybe even in the trunk) and we are trying to drive by ourselves to a destination that we can never reach on our own. That approach to life makes us angry, frustrated, fearful and very tired. Christ gives us the better way. He gives us the truly human way. It is the way of Love, but the cross there and we can not avoid it or drown it our with all the distractions we make for ourselves.

My advice for the end of this first day if Lent is look at what you have decided to do to help you love God more and get prepared for the great feast of Easter. See if your penances are going to work out. Don’t give up on changing something this season or give into the easy way. Go through the chaos you are dealing with and you will come out on the other side with a better view of yourself and God, and how much he wants to you really find and experience joy.

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