John 1:14

Was the Protest worth it?

Filed under: Blog — admin at 9:00 am on Monday, June 30, 2008

     Last week as that terrible Jerry Springer Opera opened at some small theater downtown. Some Catholics were bound and determined to protest it publicly. Sacred Heart Radio got some heat because we did not seem to pick up on the thing and speak against this anti-God, anti-Catholic thing. Some even got a little nasty and self righteous about it.

    Then I watched channel 12 news and they highlighted the Opera because of the protests. Several people, including some that looked like Benedictine monks were seen praying the rosary. I do not question the faith of these people. I believe it is sincere. I do, however question their prudence. Was it worth it? I would say no for the following reasons. If no one had shown up to protest it, it might have been a 30 second spot on the news instead of a three minute one. That means most would have disregarded it. Also, the producer of the play said that it was disrespectful and that those who diagree should not come. But he also said that he “welcomed the conversation” that these protests instigated. This is usually the liberal way of saying “thanks for the free publicity of showing up and pointing out how bad we are. That is going to help us sell tickets.” And it probably did.

     Even from the standpoint of the Gospels, Jesus knew that we had to pick our fights. Luke 9:53-56 points this out when the James and John want Jesus to  call down fire from heaven on the Samaritan town and he rebukes them and keeps on going. Unfortunately, blasphemies go on every day all over the city and the world and even in some Churches. We shoud fight some and ignore others. A lot of it concerns the ultimate goal. In Luke, Jesus eyes were set on Jerusalem. Nothning was going to distract him. Are we letting this little “gnat” distract us. Are we too busy picketing bad things and not busy enough spreading the Gospel. Maybe next time, if they want to picket a play, they should do it in a positive way. “This show is lousy. Down the treet there is a much better play and we might even give you a ticket to go and see it rather than waste your time at this. It is a thought.

    We need to point out the reality of sin and evil in the world. There is not enough of that being done. The question is how to do it. I think there are other ways than picketing second rate plays and giving them free publicity.

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