John 1:14

June 30: The Mother of God ALWAYS delivers!!

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — admin at 8:40 am on Monday, June 30, 2008

   Last Saturday night I had Mass at St. Veronica’s, and they were having their parish festival. A really bad thunderstorm hit and just as I was receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, there was a huge clap of thunder and the lights went out. (I thought to myself, God really wants to remind these people WHO it is they are receiving.) Anyway, after communion, , and there were more people in Church than usual after communion becuase they did not want to get wet by leaving early (Another divine sign?) So before the final blessing I asked the people to join me in saying a Hail Mary that she will ask her Son to clear up the weather and give them a good night. I wanted to ask them to say a Memorare with me, but I think that many would not know it.

     So we said the Hail Mary together.  By the time we were finished the lights began t come back on in the body of the Church, and wouldn’t you know that by the time the festival started at 6:00pm there was no more rain. I hope some of the people thought to thank the Blessed Virgin for interceding for them, but many probably did not.

     Still, I hope I planted a small seed in some of their heads that they start asking the Saints to intercede for them. We need to get the Communion of Saints out of the unemployment lines and get them back to work for us and with us. They will be a tremendous help in getting the Church renewed.


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