John 1:14

January 18, 2008 New Issue of Gilbert Magazine

Filed under: Blog — admin at 9:04 pm on Friday, January 18, 2008

       I received the latest issue of Glibert Magazine from the American Chesterton Society. There are always a lot of good articles and quotes from Chesterton that make it good reading. There is one quote I have found so far that would be good for us to take to heart in this election year:

          Even a political democracy would . . . be a little more practical if people prepared for the general Election  as they did for the Eucharistic Congress, with prayer and penance rather than publicity and lies.

       There is another wonderful quote that it is equally true today from his book Christendom in Dublin:

               Lenin said that religion is the opium of the people . . . But it is only by believing in God that we can ever criticize the government. Once abolish God and the Government becomes God. That fact is written all across human history, but it is written most plainly across the recent history of Russia, which was created by Lenin. . . Lenin only fell into a slight error: he only got it the wrong way around. The truth is that irreligion is the opium of the people. Wherever people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world.

      It appears that this attitude is what Pope Benedict is addressing in Spe Salvi. The more we ignore history, the more we repeat it. The more we will lose hope and  fall into despair.

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