John 1:14

The Heart of St. Paul

Filed under: Blog — admin at 3:17 pm on Wednesday, August 6, 2008

     Paul is known by many titles: preacher, missionary, pastor. One you may not be aware of is that Paul is also a fundraiser! As he traveled to the different cities of Asia Minor and Greece, he took up a collection to be sent back to Jerusalem. When he was among the people, he did not rely on them for sustenance, but instead plied his trade as a tent maker. The collection from these cities was to be an act of charity to the Church in Jerusalem, to show that not only do all the Churches share in the communion of persons in the Holy Trinity, but also a physical communion to help to provide for the material needs of the Christians in need.

     In asking for help from the Corinthians, Paul writes: “The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. Each must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for the Lord loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work.” (2Cor 9:6-8) 

     God is always generous with his people and he asks us to practice generosity as well. One reason is that it helps us remember that everything is a gift from God and it is to be shared as best as we can. Another reason is that it establishes a deeper communion in faith. In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, some parishes have adopted mission parishes either in the United States or another country and send supplies and money and prayers. Not all of us can be missionaries, or work with the poor, or even run a radio station, but as St. Paul teaches us, we can be cheerful because our prayers and material gifts unite us with those who do those things, and through our gifts we share in their mission, which is also the mission of Jesus Christ.

August 6 The Heart of St. Paul

Filed under: Blog — admin at 3:02 pm on Wednesday, August 6, 2008

     There are times when we look at our lives and think that the deck has been stacked against us. We are facing a deadline or what seems an impossible situation and sometimes we think our best choice is just to give up or give in. The mountain is just too high. There is no one who is helping us. St. Paul faced many of these situations and while it was clear that many times he did not know how he was going to succeed, he went ahead. He lets the Church of Philippi in on his secret: “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.” (4:13)

     This is a strong act of faith on his part that we can learn from. Our power does not come from physical strength or our wits or our knowledge. These things can be easily overcome from something like fear. If we rely only on ourselves, we will fail in the end. Paul relies on Jesus Christ. He knows that if Christ sends him to do something, he will do it. God makes the impossible possible. He removes our fear and calms us when we are faced with serious situations.

     People often talk about their strength coming from within, but Paul sees that we can only grow if we realize that this interior strength is actually the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, giving us courage and hope. If we are faced with serious or difficult situations today, let us take St. Paul’s words to heart. We will not be able to control what happens, but we know that we will  come through it if we rely on the Lord, who gives us courage, wisdom and hope.

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