John 1:14

PDS Sacramental theology class April 19

Filed under: Blog — admin at 2:31 pm on Thursday, April 17, 2008

    Students, do not forget that I will not be meeting with you on Saturday morning, but a double session on Saturday afternoon. Deacon Shea will meet with you from 9:00-11:00. Here are some areas you might wish to review for your quiz.

Five effects of baptism; Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Three types of communion; the difference between Baptism and Confirmation; Matter and Form of Baptism and Confirmation; Baptism and its necessity for salvation; Triplex Munus; OT and NT prefigurations of the Holy Eucharist

Please pray that Fr. Ben, Fr. Earl and the Seminarians have a safe trip to New York to see the BIG GUY.

Silly Pope Benedict Question…

Filed under: Blog — admin at 2:19 pm on Monday, April 14, 2008

      As I was driving to back to the Seminary, the Skyline on Beechmont that this on their sign, The Pope May Stop By. While I don’t think that will happen, it poses an interesting Cincinnati Question: If Pope Benedict came to Cincinnati and went to Skyline, what would he order?

      1. Three-way   2.  Four Way Bean    3. Four Way Onion  

     4. Five Way (the “fullness of Skylinicity”)   Oyster crackers yes or no?

      5.  Cheese coney with onions    6. Cheese coney with no onions

     7. He would excommunicate Skyline and go to Gold Star

Let me know what you think… ;)

And Yes he Definitely would get a bib

Seminarians receive trip to NY to see Pope Benedict…

Filed under: Blog — admin at 8:49 am on Monday, April 14, 2008

     This Friday, the Seminarians get to travel to NY to see Pope Benedict at Dunwoodie Seminary in Yonkers New York. Thanks to the kindness of a generous benefactor, the seminarians will be leaving Friday by bus to go to New York under the leadership of Fr. Benedict O’Cinnesealaigh, the director of formation. I think they have a secret plan to get the Pope’s attention, but I am not allowed to say what it is.

     Please pray for their safety and the safety of all those who are travelling to New York or Washington DC. As usual, I think my personal invitation has gotten lost in the mail, so I will staying behind to teach the Permanent Deacon students about the Holy Eucharist and the Sacraments of Healing.

April 14, 2008 Be Prepared to get really annoyed this week…

Filed under: Blog — admin at 8:38 am on Monday, April 14, 2008

     Unless you spend all week watching the coverage from EWTN and listening to Sacred Heart Radio, this has the potential to be a really annoying week. I’m sure that all the media outlets, probably even Fox will be going to the usual suspects, the so-called “experts,” the MacBrien’s et al. who will expound all the faults of the Church and its imminent demise if we do not catch up with the progressively enlightened 21st century. The NY Times today says that the people want the Pope to acknowledge the crisis of faith.    What the dim-witted illuminati in the media seem to be missing is that he is already doing so.

      When there is a “crisis,” people need to regain their identity, and to do that they need to go back to the sources of the faith. Deus Caritas Est and Spe Salvi, do just that. The recovery of the TLM and an emphasis on the sacredness of the sacramental mysteries is another attempt. The flock (and even sometimes the shepherds)  has listened to the thieves and liars and found themselves beaten, bloodied and thrown by the side of the road. The Bishop of Rome has come to remind the flock and the shepherds of this country that the only way to heaven is fidelity to Jesus Christ, manifested in the Gospels and expounded on in Apostlic Tradition. This is the same Jesus Christ that becomes present on every altar during the celebration of the Mass and present in every Tabernacle of every Catholic Church. Peter has come to strengthen the brethren in the faith, because they have been sifted like wheat by trying to fit into this diseased culture rather than praying and working for its healing by confronting it head on with the Gospel.

    We need to pray this week that while everyone is gawking at the spectacle, they may take the time to listen to his words of hope and his challenge to live a constant witness to Christ. If that happens, we may not get so annoyed.

Please pray for all priests and seminarians and support Sacred Heart Radio.

April 13, 2008 Audio homilies on line

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin at 8:35 pm on Sunday, April 13, 2008

       I have finally figured out (sort of) how to upload my Sunday homilies online. They were digitally recorded on an H4 Zoom digital audio recorder. It is a great little gadget. If you click on “Words of Hope Lenten homilies” or “Words of Hope Easter homilies,” you will find them. Even though they were recorded on an Mp3 format, they are still large (15-18 MB)files. If you want to download them, feel free, but it may take some time. There will be another couple of surprises in store, if I can figure out what I am doing.

April 4, 2008 PDS 132 Sacramental Theology

Filed under: Blog — admin at 3:48 pm on Friday, April 4, 2008

     All the class notes for sacramental theology for the remaineder of the quarter are available for you to download at your leisure.

    For the quiz tommorrow, make sure you know the OT prefigurations of Baptism, the definition of Sacrament, the differences between sanctifying grace and actual grace, meaning of ex opere operato vs. ex opere operantis.